Tuesday, February 28, 2006


For the second time in a month, our home was invaded by some insect, maybe termites?


Lenity said...

EW. Doesn't anybody else know what they are? Did it freak Elijah out? I know I am.

Christopher said...

I think termite is the consensus, but there's some disagreement. I had some question at first, but I'm starting to think they are termites. Actually, I was more freaked out than Elijah. He just pointed at them and said "birds." I was the one actually having to go in among them, spraying Baygon. They were in my hair, down my shirt, etc. The air was so thick with them, they almost made a solid mass.

d-wain said...

Proof that God is just a wee bit sadistic: bugs.

Christopher said...

Did you ever hear Ellen DeGeneres' phone conversation with God regarding his rationale behidn creating bugs? He helps her come to understand exactly how many people are employed by the flea and tick collar industry.